
Thank you for recommending the whitening treatment. I am delighted that you did. The end result has exceeded my expectations and I would certainly recommend the treatment to other people. I look and feel brighter with my enhanced smile!

I recently had extensive dental work completed replacing existing crowns and bridges which I had become embarrassed by and I had implants to replace missing teeth. I am very pleased with the outcome and feel much more confident with the colour and shape of the teeth. The implants are great and I am pleased that I opted for these and not a plate. The whole procedure caused me very little discomfort. Thank you.

Although I spent many years wearing a partial denture, I was never really relaxed and confident wearing it. I realised that implants was an opportunity to finish with dentures. The outcome for me has been truly liberating and the implants have very much become my own teeth. I feel they have improved my smile and therefore my appearance. A real confidence boosting experience!

Before I consulted you I was very unsure and apprehensive about any prospective treatment that I might require. I always found your approach extremely empathetic and reassuring. As a result I decided to go ahead and have implants fitted. I have been delighted with the results, so much so, that I felt sufficiently confident to disclose to friends that I have undergone the implant procedure. I have been impressed with the aftercare which I continue to receive. I should be happy to recommend the procedure, and reassure anyone of the high professional service they will receive from your practice.

After several years of problems with my teeth, I finally decided to seek a permanent solution. As I determined that dentures would not be a part of that solution, I started to research dental implant options. Following the first examination, Karen Hull gave me a detailed explanation of the options available to me, her recommendation, the costs involved and an outline of the time each part of the treatment would require. My treatment included: bone grafts, eleven implants, and some other cosmetic dentistry.
At each stage of the process I felt that progress was being made. I was certainly kept informed on the results of the last process, and the purpose and expected outcome of the next process. Good communication and a commitment to quality are obviously a key aims at Baran & Hull.
I can now eat anything I want, without fear of pain, or teeth falling out. I look good, I smile more, and I feel more confident. I got exactly what I wanted. Extraordinarily, I paid exactly what I was told the cost would be at the initial review, several months earlier.
Good communication, a commitment to quality, and accurate cost forecasting, could probably be found at several dental practices. What I felt was unique at Baran & Hull was what appeared to be a personal commitment to you as a customer/patient which was far and above the normal professional commitment expected.
This we care was displayed not only by Karen Hull, but by her entire staff. This is why I have no hesitation in recommending this team to anybody who is considering dental surgery.

on implants to stabilise her lower denture
Summed up easily, one of the best things ever to have had done. It works and there are no more embarrassing moments!